This is a short and brief explanation of how your UltEvent logic is supposed to be setup for easier use/read.

  • Logic (Has all of your logic under it)
    • Logic Name (The name of the specific logic. e.g ParentToRig)
      • Funcs ↓
        • Function 1 (Contains an UltEvent Holder that you can invoke, to do something. e.g parent)
      • Events ↓
        • Event 1 (Contains an UltEvent Holder that gets invoked when something happens. e.g OnParent)
      • Internal (Internal logic that you don’t need to access after it’s done)
        • Logic Logic Logic
      • Var (Contains variables you need to store. e.g position)
        • Position (The transform position could be 0,5,0)
See General Tricks and Tips for more info about a better workflow